Thoughts of osho in hindi
Thoughts of osho in hindi

thoughts of osho in hindi

thoughts of osho in hindi

But he soon became aware that their service is just a facade for the real business to hide behind. You will be surprised to know that there was a time when Gandhi contemplated becoming a Christian because they serve the poor more than any other religion. True intelligence is always rebellious, and he could not rebel against the conventional, the traditional, the Hindu or the Christian or the Buddhist.

thoughts of osho in hindi

That’s why I say “intelligent enough”, but not truly intelligent. There was no way.Īgain, he was a businessman, so why irritate anybody? Why annoy them? They are all saying the same thing, the Koran, the Talmud, the Bible, the Gita, and he was intelligent enough – remember the “enough’, don’t forget it – to find similarities in them, which is not a difficult thing for any intelligent, clever person. Of course for the wrong reasons, because he did not know what truth is, so how could he judge what was right? – whether any religions were right whether all were right, or whether any ever could be right. Of course, my reasons and his are different, but at least he respected all religions. I also love that he respected all religions. He was the cleanest ignorant man in the world. Now, you will say, “Respect for such small things…?” No, they are not small, particularly in India, where saints, so-called saints, are expected to live in all kinds of filth. He had none.īut there are a few things about him that I respect and love – his cleanliness. But Gandhi refused by telegram saying, “Thank you for your offer, but I will follow my own way”… as if he had a way. Because it is too much, it looks like arrogance. But it is not, it is just compassion – in fact, too much compassion. That’s how ordinary people think, and naturally it looks like arrogance. They all laughed they thought it was arrogance. If you really want to know, then inform me and I will call you.” His letter was laughed at by Mahatma Gandhi and his followers, because Meher Baba had said, “Don’t waste your time in chanting ‘Hare Krishna, Hare Rama.’ That is not going to help at all. Only a few people were able to understand what Meher Baba meant. He never came across a single master who could have told him something about no-mind, and there were such people alive at the time.Įven Meher Baba once wrote a letter to Gandhi – not exactly that he himself wrote somebody must have written it for him, because he never spoke, never wrote, just made signs with his hands. He couldn’t understand meditation, but that was not his fault. He would think a hundred times before taking a single step out of his door, what to say of a jump. He was not a man who could agree with me: “Jump before you think.” No, he was a businessman. I respect his truthfulness, although he knows nothing of the truth – which I am continuously forcing you to take a jump into. It is a totally different matter that I don’t think his truth to be of any worth, but that is my problem, not his.

Thoughts of osho in hindi full#

Whatsoever was truth to him, he was full of it. I may not agree with his truth, but I cannot say that he was not truthful. He never lied even though in the very midst of all kinds of lies, he remained rooted in his truth. So many things about him that I would have appreciated remained neglected. Particularly – just so that it is on the record – I want to say to you that there were many things about Mahatma Gandhi that I loved and liked, but his whole philosophy of life was absolutely disagreeable to me. The honorific Mahatma (Sanskrit: high-souled, venerable), applied to him first in 1914 in South Africa, is now used worldwide. Mohandas Karamchand Gandhi (2 October 1869 – 30 January 1948) was the preeminent leader of the Indian independence movement in British-ruled India.Įmploying nonviolent civil disobedience, Gandhi led India to independence and inspired movements for civil rights and freedom across the world.

Thoughts of osho in hindi